PAF in Ms. Magazine: Keeping Score


Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Katie Britt (R-Ala.) bashed a Progress Action Fund ad depicting a generic Republican politician taking a baby from a couple that used IVF, amid attempts to ban the procedure in Republican-dominated states. The senators claimed it was “utterly repulsive,” and pointed to their bill that would cut Medicaid from states that ban IVFwhich wouldn’t protect IVF at all, since the same states want to cut Medicaid anyway. 

“Ted Cruz is disgusting, deceptive, and shameless,” responded Progress Action Fund Founder and Executive Director Joe Jacobson. “His bill is a Trojan Horse that would help accomplish his repulsive goal of taking away healthcare and reproductive freedom from millions of Americans. The American people will see right through Cruz’s charade, as threatening Republicans with Medicaid cuts is as much of a deterrent as threatening him with a trip to Cancun.”

You can read the full piece here