With just five days until the U.S. elections, Democrats are continuing to highlight another presidential term for Republican nominee Donald Trump as a grave danger for women, as the nation learns about a growing number of women who have died because of abortion bans and voters in 10 states make their voices heard on proposed measures to protect abortion rights.
But a provocative ad that went viral on social media Thursday makes the case that men should be worried about letting the far-right MAGA movement take control of the White House and Congress, too.
The ad, by the Democratic political action committee Progress Action Fund, opens with a young man and woman having sex.
Just afterward, the man says he’s realized the condom he was using broke.
“Oh, I have Plan B in the bathroom,” replies the woman, referring to the emergency contraception pill approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1999.
Her partner offers to get the pill, but makes another troubling realization as soon as he closes the medicine cabinet.
“Sorry,” says a balding man who’s appeared in the bathroom. “You can’t use that… I’m your Republican congressman. Now that we’re in charge, we banned Plan B.”
“No, you can’t do this,” pleads the young man. “I can’t have a kid right now!”
But the lawmaker explains that since he won the last election, whether or not the young couple has a child is no longer their decision.
“It’s my decision,” he says. “Now let’s get back in there so we can give her the news… Daddy.”
The nonprofit progressive advocacy group DemCast said the ad was one “every man in America” needs to see.
“The only way to guarantee our right to privacy is to vote for Democrats,” said the group. “They have no interest in forcing guys to be dads before they are ready.”
The production company Eleven Films said the ad provides a new perspective on the idea that “MAGA wants to control everything about you. Including when you can have a baby.”
“Yeah, bro,” said the organization. “Even you.”
Nick Knudsen, co-founder and executive director of DemCast, said that the ad, “when tested, moves under-30-men by 2+ points away from Donald Trump.”
Common Dreams was unable to independently verify the claim as of this writing.
Political action committee Defend the Vote said it had partnered with Progress Action Fund to air the ad in battleground states.
“There are only a few days left in the election,” said the group. “Get out and vote to protect your freedoms!”
Democratic strategist Alicia Strohl Resnicoff said the ad and its reminder that the Republican Party aims to attack reproductive freedom, including the right to abortion care as well as contraception, “is the scariest thing you see today.”
The ad was originally released on YouTube in mid-October, four months after Republicans in the Senate blocked consideration of the Right to Contraception Act. In 2022, when the right-majority on the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Justice Clarence Thomas said the court should also review the precedent set by Griswold v. Connecticut, which affirmed in 1965 that couples have the right to use contraceptives.
Progress Action Fund has produced a number of ads exposing Republicans’ plans to invade the privacy of people across the U.S. Last week the group posted one featuring the same “Republican congressman,” who appears in a man’s bedroom and snatches his phone out of his hands to stop him from watching a pornographic video. Project 2025, the far-right agenda that was co-authored by at least 140 of people from Trump’s presidential term, proposes a nationwide ban on pornography.
“Creepy Republicans want control of your bedroom,” said Eleven Films on Thursday. “Don’t let MAGA in your sheets.”
By Julia Conley