Nothing ruins the mood more than an elderly Republican congressman in your bedroom as you’re trying to get it on—at least, according to this Democratic lobby group’s racy political ad. Progress Action Fund is using a steamy sex scene to urge Ohioans to vote against the passage of State Issue 1, which would “require that any proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ohio receive the approval of at least 60 percent of eligible voters voting on the proposed amendment.” State Issue 1 has been widely criticized for possibly undermining majority rule in the state and preventing the legalization of abortion. In the ad, a man reaches for a condom after a spicy makeout sesh with a woman, but an old man grabs it first. The couple freaks out, and the older man tells them, “I’m your Republican congressman. Now that we’re in charge, we’re banning birth control.” The woman insists it’s “our decision, not yours” and demands he “get out”—yet, the congressman responds that he “won the last election. I’m not going anywhere. I’m just gonna watch and make sure you don’t do anything illegal.” The ad ends with the words “Keep Republicans out of your bedroom. Vote no on Aug. 8,” displayed on the screen.