In what might be the subjectively raciest political ad ever, Democratic lobby group Progress Action Fund debuted a steamy sex scene takedown of the GOP this week.
Airing Wednesday, the political ad urges Ohioans to vote no on the controversial State Issue 1 on Aug. 8, which asks if Ohio should, “require that any proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ohio receive the approval of at least 60% of eligible voters voting on the proposed amendment.” State Issue 1 has been widely criticized as a conservative ploy to restrict voters from making abortion legal in the state come November. As such, the PAF ad urges voters to “keep Republicans out of your bedroom” by showing a typical scene of… what goes on in the bedroom.
The scene opens up with a man and a woman kissing in bed, both of them in their underwear with the woman straddling the man and asking if he has a condom. When the man reaches into his nightstand drawer in hopes of practicing safe sex, an elderly, white male hand snatches the condom out before he can, causing both the woman and her lover to scream in confusion at the dark-suited, red-tied man standing over them.
“Sorry, you can’t use those,” the elderly man says.
“What are you talking about?” the woman asks, holding the bedsheets up over her chest. “Who are you?”
“I’m your Republican congressman. Now that we’re in charge, we’re banning birth control,” the man says.
“This is our decision — not yours. Get out of our bedroom,” she demands.
“I won the last election,” he concludes. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m just gonna watch and make sure you don’t do anything illegal.”
As the ad ends on a closeup of the old man as a title card overlays the screen: “Keep Republicans out of your bedroom. Vote no on Aug. 8.”
Per its website, the Progress Action Fund’s slogan is, “Democrats are afraid to fight back. We aren’t.” We’d say this ad at the very least is living up to that promise.
To learn more about Ohio’s State Issue 1, click here.