Today, Democratic Super PAC Progress Action Fund announced its new ad “Ron Johnson First, America Last” against Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson. The ad, which will run on connected TVs and on online platforms, features footage from Jon Stewart at a press conference where he hammered Senate Republicans for blocking the PACT Act, which would provide veterans with critical healthcare coverage. Johnson and Republicans voted against the bill in retaliation for Senators Schumer and Manchin announcing the Inflation Reduction Act.
“Ron Johnson is a selfish and heartless man who has no place in the United States Senate,” said Joe Jacobson, Executive Director & Founder of the Progress Action Fund.
“Johnson could have kept his word to the brave men and women who risked their lives for our country, but he turned his back on them because he is petty and cruel.”
Reports suggest Johnson’s vote to block healthcare for veterans was part of a “Republican Tantrum” after they were legislatively outmaneuvered by Democrats. After previously supporting the PACT Act, Johnson and Senate Republicans flipped their votes after Senators Schumer & Manchin announced the Inflation Reduction Act, which tackles climate change, healthcare costs, and deficit reduction. The Cook Political Report currently rates the Senate race between Johnson and Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes as a “toss up.”